Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well by Caspar Luyken

Illustration (engraving) by Caspar Luyken titled
“Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well”, Amsterdam, 1712.

At Rebecca International, we discreetly link our clients and partners from West to East and North to South through a common matrix: expertise.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, we are the first expert network with international reach to be Quebec-owned.

Our mission is to connect, in a personalized way, decision-makers and investors, private and public, as well as those advising them (lawyers, accountants, management consultants, lobbyists, bankers, etc.), with each other and with the experts they should know to develop a unique understanding of the complex world we operate in, to the benefit of their stakeholders. We do so while also managing risk and using data intelligence, to add even more value.

Furthermore, through our partnership with Enquire AI, its innovative AI tools, its marketplace – 50 000+ experts, 350 000+ knowledge assets, 180+ countries – and its powerful technology backend infrastructure, we allow clients and partners to get instant answers, insights and knowledge based on their targeted questions.

The core of our internal and external networks is constituted mainly by people from three areas of expertise, on all continents:

Strategy, on which we have advised, over the last decades, private and public companies in numerous industries ranging from startups to Fortune 500, governments at all levels, institutional bodies and associations.

Finance, since we have worked with financial institutions, (U)HNWIs, family offices, asset and wealth managers, sovereign / pension / hedge funds, superannuations, endowments, foundations, as well as other SOEs, PEs and VCs.

Academia, also out of where many of our team members, experts and clients come from, including in Canada, the United States, Brazil, the UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, India, Singapore, China and various countries of the MENA region. They interact with countless universities, research groups, scientific publications and media outlets.

Notwithstanding our religious-sounding name, we are sector and geography agnostic. Because whoever you are, whenever you started, whatever you do and wherever you came from and are going:

The expert and the insight you need to succeed can be found in our network.

Rebecca is a key historical figure, a hyphen between the three great monotheistic religions that are Christianity, Judaism and Islam, for which she is a common matriarch. Her widely revered name, which also has a special personal meaning for our founder Simon Lafrance, has inspired us in our commitment to globally shared prosperity and knowledge, of course including also the parts of Asia and the world where Rebecca’s tale is less known.

A glimpse at our global network

World Map Rebecca International

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